Revelation Today

Word of God, Truth, Poetry, culture, Love, Faith, hope and More.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Mother is the center of my life.

Who do you love and how do they change your life?  We all know a woman or women who have changed our life's or given us the will to live or look on the brighter side of life. The women that I will be naming had great impacts in my life: Godmother (Marty Grote,) aunt (Zainab Gorge), my mentor (Susie Peichel ), and my mother ( Kadiatu Turay). They are the most wonderful and most influential people in my life. These women have shaped my life. (let me tell you,  it took a long time coming).

My friends and fans, in this blog I will be expressing to you  My mother means to me and why all the women that I mention on top will forever be my Heroines. I will be truthful about who my mother is while talking to you.

..My mother was born as Kadiatu Tury, the only daughter to her mother Fatmata Bangura my grandmother, she is a woman who love's her children and her family. She is a believer of "no matter what  the limit is, in my life I know what my respectability is and that's why I carry my mother and her family." At the age of 16 she stop going to school to help her mother in the marketplace and at the age of 18 she had my older sister (Famata Tucker) and few years later she started her own market traveling and struggling to help my grandmother make ends-meet.

When my mother was in her 30's she met my father (Alie Kamara ), and at that very moment, my father knew he wanted to be with her. So it wasn't a surprise that from the start they got married ( African traditional way) and in the 1980's (Drumroll please).. I was born Allie Kamara now known as Sheka Mansaray.

My mother and father lived together while my mother was still helping her mother. As the years passed by, my father got the opportunity to go to the United States Of America. This is when my mother moved back to her mother's house where my sister, grandmother, my cousin, her child and myself all lived in a 20by20 home. It was not much to look at or even live in by six people but we all lived together. and I'm now thankful to have been there with them and see all the trouble that we all went through. In 2010 after 13years away from them I went back to Sierra Leone, my mother was in the same place and the people who were there had died, for example my grandmother, my father and people who I call family were all gone and only my sister and mother remain at that area.

My Mother could not do business anymore because she was badly ill and was broken. I could not look at my mother living in such a condition, it hurt me up to this very day when I think about it, therefore I took a day to my self  to think and plan things out.  I took my mother to the doctors to be looked at to see if something is wrong with her. While that was on-going, I walked around the area to look for a descent house for her to lived in. As I was walking around to look for a place, I would pray everyday and three days later my prayers came true and I found a place for only $250 rental for the whole year.  I did not even have to bargain for a price, I just told the landlord what my intentions were which was to move my mother into ma new place. We did all the paper work and the keys where given to me and I only paid $20 which is eighty thousand leone's to move all her things in.

I remembered she told me a story on the day I left to come to the states "you know how hard it is for us here in Sierra Leone when you go work hard like I did for the family, I use to go into the heavy dustbins to get the Lebanese  tomatoes, some were old and some were new.  We would sell them because they were still good to sell and buy.” To me, that story just remain in my head to work hard and to never see my mother in such a level again in her life. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to take care of my mother, family and friends. When the war came and passed, my family and other families lost a lot of people and with the rainy days passing. I hope with the workings of others will help promote the well being of others who are not so well off.

I feel it is time my mother take a break from doing what is needed for her family, it is my turn to step-up as a man to take the standing footsteps that she believe I could take. My mother had struggled for so long to stand by her family at all means, so this is why she is a hero to me. For this reason I feel that I will do all that is needed from my part to be a the son she was waiting for.

 While I was a child, I remember all the good things she did for her mother.

I am successful in the things I do because I know where I came from and I have made it farther than I thought I would. My mother prayed with me and now I know I have more than her prayers in my life . My mother taught me so much in my life.  when I was in sierra leone this pass year( 2010) I learn allot from her and our family deep past and true strength. I have learned who i'm from her and that is someone who has a strong faith in people, tradition and acts on it. I pray daily, constantly seek God's opinion before I make a decision.
Ask your self this Question?
 Who do you care about and how have they changed your life and how can you change their's?

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