Revelation Today

Word of God, Truth, Poetry, culture, Love, Faith, hope and More.

My Books

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The Tears of my Father.


Mr Mansaray said "If you like poetry this is the path to take to look in a young man mind and his life in poetry. The poems in here will bring you joy and you will see different of yourself and the growth in the writer. The poems here are of love, lost, inspirations and stretching of a young man imagination. You will find my experiences and life observations. This poems will takes you to travel in my own mind to avoid your trouble life just as it did for the writer while he was writing them. Trust me you will enjoy the Journey in this book of poems “The tears of my father.”

Desert Rose

Sheka Mansaray has beautifully woven together the heart and soul in his second book Desert Rose: Words for Thoughts. Mr. Mansaray brings the reader along on his journey to reconcile his thoughts with his words, and his past with his present. His poems are open, rhythmic and filled with his perceptions and realizations.  The uniqueness, simplicity, questioning, and the utter rawness of this book will light a flame in your soul and set your heart on fire.